Grains / Nuts / Tubers

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Based on the individual characteristics of the agricultural products, we discuss with the clients to give appropriate suggestions and, provide a solution to transform different materials into different semi-products or finished products according to their needs.

For example, for some grains, nuts and tubers, we first process them into flour as the main ingredients for snacks. At the same time, we can also make it into fried snacks.

Different Processing Machines

Grains Color Sorting

Grains Color Sorting

Grains Color Sorting
Grain Cleaning
Grains Milling
Batch Roasting
Continuous Drying / Roasting Oven
Continuous Frying System
Tubers Washing
Cassava Peeling
Tubers Slicing
Tubers Grating
Cassava Milling
Flour Milling
Cassava Flour Dring
Cassava Conveyor
Roasted Peanuts
Coated Paenuts
Roasted Nuts
Dripping Coffee-1
Dripping Coffee-2
Casssa Garri
Cassava Fufu Flour
Cassava Flour
Corn Grits
Corn Flour